Thursday 23 August 2007

Thursday 23rd August - Soest

Soest is a very picturesque town dating back hundreds of years. It reminds me a bit of Chester with cobbled streets and tudor-style timber frame houses as in the pictures. I ony wish we could have had longer to wander around the town.
On the way back we visited the Möhne dam which was partially destroyed by the famous bouncing bomb in May 1943 and made famous in the film The Dambusters. The dam and reservoir are very impressive - makes our own Spelga dam look small and ordinary compared to it! We could easily have spent an hour or 2 wandering around here.
Today in the blazing sun we thought we would be spared rain but oh no! Some very menacing thunder and heavy rain - but only when we were inside or on the bus which was nice. When its hot it is really hot. Finished day off with lovely pizza back at Dorsten church.

Excuse the dodgy verticals - the houses really weren't leaning backwards. Need photoshop to correct these.....

Some Ballyclare folk enjoying more cake with the German equivalent of the PWA! (the Evangelische Frauenhilfe)

1 comment:

Corinna said...

Heya, cool.
One of the "Ballyclare folks" enjoying more cake is my dad, and he is a "DORSTENER", and all German! :D Else I also recognise James and Mary, who are "our" Ballyclarians :D.

That one Soest-pic also "works" without Photoshop. No worries. (What if I tell you I have NEVER BEEN to Soest in all my life !)